← Polish Development Fund Group (PFR Group)

PFR supports and stimulates the development of young, innovative companies and future entrepreneurs.

We achieve this by implementing dedicated educational programs, by means of which both projects at the idea stage and already operating companies may find an initiative suitable to their needs. Activities addressed to innovators are carried out by the Innovation Development Department in three areas:


Development of competences of current and future innovators and extension of their knowledge on available investment and development programs.


Combining ideas, capital and competence to generate the largest possible number of valuable projects.

Thematic programs

Horizontal thematic programs for selected industries where entrepreneurs can receive comprehensive education and networking services.

All programs are available on the startup.pfr.pl portal, which acts as the largest knowledge base for entrepreneurs.

Go to startup.pfr.pl


startup.pfr.pl - a place for an innovator

The portal is a common communication space for innovators, start-ups and mature companies that seek support under PFR Group programs. It may be helpful in selecting from among the many programs available for projects at every stage of development, from the idea through development to international expansion. Currently, the offer involves nearly 200 programs which can be applied for by creating a user account.

The purpose of the platform is also to inform its users on new initiatives which young, innovative companies may be involved in, as well as changes related to the Group's program offer or other news.

Moreover, the successes of start-ups are described, presenting experience the companies gained through joining the PFR Group programs. An ecosystem map is an additional component of the portal, facilitating navigation through the public innovation ecosystem operating in Poland. In total, over 160 various entities are presented, and for each of them their activity has been individually described.

Therefore, regardless of whether the company seeking support is currently at the idea phase and wants to verify its market usefulness, or is seeking an investor or other funding sources, or is considering international expansion - the answer to their needs may be found in the programs of the PFR Group.

Warunki RODO

Warunki RODO