June 23, 2021
S&P Global Rating has rated Polish Development Fund at A in local currency and A- in foreign currency, with a stable outlook. This is the highest possible rating, equal to the rating of Polish as a country.
Rating at the level of A / A - confirms the stable financial situation and credibility of the Polish Development Fund. The strategic role of the Polish Development Fund as a development institution that implements important economic projects in Poland was also appreciated.
- said Paweł Borys, President of the Polish Development Fund
According to the S&P agency, Polish Development Fund is a key institution in the implementation of strategic economic projects of the Polish government, such as the implementation of a private pension pillar in the form of Employee Capital Plans or the implementation of the Polish Development Found, Financial Shield aid program for Polish enterprises affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The mission of the Polish Development Fund is to implement programs conducive to increasing the long-term investment and economic potential of the Polish, as well as equalizing opportunities and protecting the natural environment. Polish Development Found carries out its tasks by acting within the Polish Development Fund Group, i.e. a group of financial institutions offering instruments for the development of enterprises, local governments and private individuals investing in sustainable social and economic development. The functioning of the Polish Development Found Group is based on strong foundations – a professional team and the best international standards.